Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle...More Thoughts on Stewardship

As I think more about life in general, I'm reminded of the body that God has given me and the responsibilities that go along with that body.

It is so easy in our society today to run by a fast-food place to get our "3 squares" a day and then to just sit on the couch and watch TV all night, or better yet, sit at a computer or by our phones or tablets.

I believe that we are very advanced in our technology today, however, this also seems to be a direct link to our laziness and out of shape society.  Is it easy?  I think we all trick ourselves into believing that it is not easy.  I propose that living a healthy lifestyle is easier than we think.  I also believe that if we put a little effort into the every day decisions we make, then living a healthy lifestyle can be easy at any age or point in life.

You can start with something as simple as going for a walk or riding a bike.  Make small "baby" steps.  Choose a salad or a grilled meal instead of the burger and fries at a fast food place (if you go there at all).  Replace your soda with a water.  Do 15 minutes of stretching.  Ask a friend to do these things with you.  It is easier if you have support and someone else to help to hold you accountable.

As you live each day, just begin to think about each thing you do as a decision.  Making each decision to get out and move is a step in the right direction.  Each time you are presented with a choice of what you are going to eat, make a conscience choice.  THINK about what you are doing or not doing with your body.  THINK about what you are putting into and onto (make-up, lotion, etc...) your body each day.

Can you make all the changes you want to immediately?  Absolutely not.  Most great things in life take time and EFFORT.  Don't look at others and think that they are so lucky to be in such good shape.  Most likely they aren't lucky.  They WORK to be that way.  They choose to work out, eat right, and take care of themselves.

Make a choice today to start living a more healthy lifestyle.  Then the next time you are presented with a lifestyle choice (what to eat, to get active or not, etc...), make the right choice, then the next time make the right choice, then the next time make the right choice, then the next time...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Look in the Mirror

Always "hold the mirror" up to yourself. This can be a very difficult thing to do, but is key in assessing where you are in life. It's usually very easy to see flaws or faults in others. However, keep in mind, the things that irritate you about others, are most often things you do yourself, but don't (realize) see

Take a good hard look in the mirror & truly see who you are on the inside. You may not like everything you see, but that's the first step to correcting the issue in your life. Also, if you focus on fixing what's wrong with yourself you will not have time to focus on what you think is wrong with others. Every time you look into a mirror & see yourself on the outside, look into your eyes & take "inventory" on where you are on the inside!

Some people spend their entire lives telling other people what is wrong and how to fix it, when what they truly need to focus on is themselves.  God instructs us all to pay attention to our own walk.  Yes, we are to help others, but our focus should be on bettering ourselves, so that we can be the best at what we are supposed to be in this life.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Dress for Success" ...a new angle...

You've probably heard the saying "dress for success", right?  Referring to dressing for the job you want to land, etc...  Well, I am all for that, however, I would like to discuss this idea, but propose that we view it from a different angle.

I, like all the people who you have heard speak on this topic, fully agree that you should "dress for success". However, I would like to suggest that the way you should dress, along with the way you present yourself on the outside (from your hair, your makeup, your accessories, etc...) are all a mirror image, or better yet, SHOULD be, a reflection of who you are on the inside.

Before you dress yourself on the outside, you must first focus on who you are on the inside.  If you do not know who you are on the inside, this may be an issue for you.  Who you are spiritually is who you truly are.  Once you realize this and can work on this part of you, then you can see how you look on the outside is a reflection of who you are on the inside...

Should your main focus be on what you wear?  No.  As you are a steward of your spirit and soul, you are also a steward of your body.  This, is why I believe that how you present the part of you that others see is extremely important.

Choose clothing in colors and styles you like and look good wearing.  Do your hair and makeup to look nice.  If you want to change your hairstyle, cut it, grow it, dye it.  Do some research on different makeup styles, copy other people's makeup looks, get a free makeover at a department store.  Accessorize with complimentary items.  If  you feel great on the inside, you should feel and look just as good on the outside.

God gave us each a unique body for us to to be a steward of.  You should eat healthy, work out, work on looking great on the inside, and the outside!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I have heard others speak about stewardship many times from many different aspects.  But to me, stewardship defines life.  By this, I mean that we have all been given life, a body, and everything else that you "have" in your life...from family, friends, and things.  First and foremost, we must understand that we have been "loaned" these things by God.  Ultimately, we will all answer to Him as to how we have been stewards of everything in this life.  God has given us the ability and responsibility to be stewards of our lives.  This, to me, encompasses everything I do.  When I get up in the morning, the first thing I SHOULD do is recognize the He has given me another day and now I must go out and be a good steward of everything that comes my way...

More to come on this topic...